cryptocurrency, Uncategorized — crypto exchange with long-term profit



Sonata is cryptoexchange was created in cooperation with experienced exchange brokers and Forex analytics.

Product is built with security as the highest priority. All coins are securely stored on cutting-edge hardware wallets. The user-friendly interface of Sonata is fine-tuned for beginners and skilled brokers alike. It is packed with advanced functionality, including custom AI price prediction. Use the full potential of chat rooms on the platform and learn directly from expert brokers.


The main concern of any rationally thinking investor must be the safety of a given service. Provide multiple security layers, including unmatched server-side security, hardware wallet storage and premium protection against phishing and DDoS attacks. Have learned from the best and will secure your investment no matter what.

Are still in process of testing all possible security measures, but have already created a basic set of rules for the exchange. The set includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Strict internal security processes, risk and vulnerability management
  • Certified data center that meets the highest security standards – ISO 27001, SOC 1 and
  • SOC 2/SSAE 16/ISAE 3402, PCI Level 1, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), FISMA Moderate
  • Port scanning
  • An isolated database environment
  • Individual microservices, communication via an encrypted protocol
  • 90%+ test coverage
  • Regular test-first updates of all used dependencies
  • Secure communication over IPsec (Internet Protocol security)
  • SQL injection protection
  • EV SSL certificate
  • Cross-site scripting protection (XSS)
  • Cross-site request forgery protection (CSRF)
  • High efficiency DDoS protection
  • Spoofing and sniffing protection
  • IP address blacklist
  • Strong password policy with two-factor authentication (SMS verification, GoogleAuthenticator)
  • All passwords and keys will be stored using modern hashes (Argon2i, bcrypt, scrypt or PBKDF2)
  • Cryptography – do not use MD5, SHA-2 or similar hash functions that could meanpotential security vulnerability of the system. All sensitive data will be encrypted usingAES-256 encryption.
  • Private keys stored on multiple cryptocurrency wallets. The wallets will begeographically separate, so that compromise of one wallet will not endanger all keys.

Transaction fees

Although it may seem counterintuitive, will offer lower fees than most of the competition Fees will probably not be the lowest, but will maintain them at a competitive level. It is obvious that the SONT token holders would prefer the highest possible fees. Believe that it is crucial to attract large group of traders who will actually use the exchange and provide high liquidity, thus attracting more users to join. Fees are one of the criteria certain users will build their decision on, especially on the entry level.
Finding the “sweet spot” between low fees for the active users and rewarding payments for thetoken holders is one of the challenges Sonata has to solve continuously.

You can find the expected fees for the transaction and withdrawal below:

Transaction fees.jpg

Are planning to add other coins and tokens based on the volume trading and internal audit, so the system liquidity is ensured. Are expecting listing the major cryptocurrencies (Tether, EOS and Bitcoin CASH) in the first wave. Newly added assets will be announced in advance before they appear on Sonata.

User Interface

Conducted in-depth interviews with exchange experts and the results have shown that everyuser has different needs and likes different things when it comes to the user interface. Therefore, decided to make default interface based on the most common usage patterns. Designers have spent hours analyzing the user experience of professional brokers to build a truly distraction free interface. Aim to fulfill the needs of the majority of users.
However, plan an addition of customizable user interface to suit the needs of all of clients.


Mobile apps

Sonata is not a single application, but a whole ecosystem. Although consider the web-based application as its core, the mobile application is not of any less importance. The mobile experience is a carefully planned part of the overall user experience and unlike what you might have seen in other cases, it is not just a smaller version of the core application. Mobile apps will provide all the basic features of the web exchange, portfolio overview, current income from SONT and also advanced notifications settings. Sonata will be available as a native app, both for Android and iOS.

Margin trading

Margin (also leverage) trading is an expert tool used to level up the order income. On the other hand, this highly requested functionality can represent a high-risk scenario for the lender and the exchange if not “done right”. It is quite difficult to master the right algorithm for pairing the lender with the buyer and that is one of the reasons, why the feature is not as common as it might be. Aware that margin trading is regulated or even restricted in certain countries. The platform will allow restriction of certain functions for specific countries, thus effectively providing the needed flexibility.

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All coins and tokens in one place

Some exchanges do not offer small tokens because these tokens have low liquidity and not everyone is interested in buying them. However, there is a high demand for exchanges with a wide portfolio of tokens of different values. That is why Sonata will offer the majority of important tradeable tokens.
It is probable that will add tokens and coins gradually/one by one, so not all of them will be available at the launch of the first version. The key trading pairs included at the launch will be: Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

AI algorithms predicting price trends

Sonata will use a real-time market data and advanced AI algorithm to predict future price trends.
Confident to deliver a very precise prediction model built by artificial neural network (Long short-term memory). The algorithm is consulted with AI experts who have already created a working model of short-term prediction for gold spot price.
AI prediction can by no means be seen as the only instrument for informed investment decisions, but it can be a very helpful starting tool for beginners in the field.

AI algorithms predicting price trends.jpg

Bot-friendly API

Sonata will support all kinds of traders. Traders who prefer carefully planned long-term strategies can take advantage of bot-friendly, well documented API. You will be able to customize your own notifications, trading orders, limits and much more.

Sonata Token (SONT)

Sonata token (SONT) is based on Ethereum blockchain system and is standard ERC20 compliant. During the ICO period will offer 250,000,000 tokens out of total 500,000,000. Sale will start on October 8, 2018.

Token sale

Plan to divide the token sale into several stages, rewarding early adopters with the highest bonus rate. The token sale will not be limited by time, as is common for other ICOs, but by the amount of tokens. Once the tokens are sold, there will be no other chance to buy them with the given bonus. To keep the price of SONT steady, Sonata will lockout its tokens and will release them in regulated quantities, always in a given period of time

Token sale.jpg!

Phases of the sale are as follows:


System of rewards for investors

Want to reward the community of investors and therefore, 80 % of all Sonata’s exchange fees is redistributed backto them. If you participate in coin offering, you can generate passive income from the exchange fees. The earnings are redistributed every month and your current revenue is displayed in your user profile.
Every user can freely transfer the tokens, send them to his wallet outside of the exchange or invest further. Investors are thus granted a transparent and easy-to-track system of rewards.

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Estimated payback period

Estimation of payback period is directly dependent on daily exchange volume of Sonata.

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Q2 2015
First cryptocurrency investments. Ssearching for a single exchange platform that would fulfil all expectations. Fail to find one.

Q3 2015
Enjoy cryptocurrency trading and see enormous potential in this branch. Thinking about ways to enter the cryptocurrency market with a new product.

Q4 2016
The idea is born: Sonata will become a cryptocurrency platform designed for exchange, trading, P2P lending and maybe even more.

Q3 2017
Set up a team of designers, developers, marketers and specialists in the field of
exchange market analysis.

Q1 2018
Create a simple currency exchange aimed for the Czech market:
There is a lot of potential for a new full-fledged exchange and the team agrees to start the development of such a service.

Q2 2018
The team laid the groundwork for Have a chance to meet with partners and advisers who are as enthusiastic.

Q3 2018
The first internal version of the exchange. The AI for price prediction is consulted with AI experts and can see the first results of short-term predictions.

Q4 2018
The public sale of SONT tokens is launched. Investment will be beneficial for investors thanks to smart payment mechanism. The mechanism pays out 80 percent of trade fees back to holders.

Q1 2019
The sale of SONT tokens is closed. Expanding team of developers and other specialists focusing on different tasks in order to innovate and upgrade the platform.

Q2 2019
The first public beta version of exchange platform is released. Holders of tokens are given the opportunity to be the first ones to try using it.

Q3 2019
Focusing on further development and testing of platform and upgrading mobile applications. The first batch of altcoins is listed.

Q4 2019
The first versions of mobile apps for Android and iOS are released to public. Publicly testing AI price prediction.

Q1 2020
The exchange application is continuously upgraded. Implementing own AI prediction of cryptocurrency prices. A large number of altcoins is listed.

Q2 2020
Expect almost 200,000 active users and the average daily trading volume of roughly $300,000,000.

Q3 2020
Public listing of altcoins and other tokens. Listing of SONT tokens expanded to other exchange markets.


Bitcointalk ANN thread:

The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

DRIFE — Nexgen Decentralized Ride Hailing Platform



Ride Hailing on a Decentralized Blockchain

Applying Blockchain technology in the local transportation or taxi industry is only a continuation of an evolution that has gone on for centuries. Everything is processed through dApps using smart contracts to establish trustlessness and each transaction becomes a part of the blockchain – an immutable record.

Decentralized Platform

Decentralization aims at shifting the focus from a central authority to the driver partners. With the power of the Blockchain technology, the DRIFE platform strives to bring a new paradigm to the ride-sharing scenario and solve the horde of issues that have emerged from the current model of centralized business. The growth of the platform not only contributes to the objective of DRIFE but also enhance the overall value provided to all the stakeholders concerned like driver’s income, rider’s fare, cybersecurity and transparent governance.

Sustainable Driver Income

Aim is to eliminate excessive transaction fees, reduce censorship (reduce interference from DRIFE side) and redistribute value back to the community, enhance transparency and return governance responsibilities back to the community.

The DRIFE platform is developed with the intention of solving the current concerns in the drivers’ community, alongside enhancing the quality of rides for the customer. Drivers are given incentives to introduce new drivers to the DRIFE platform; which will in turn help to form a social community of drivers, owned by the drivers themselves. The result is a disintermediation of payment to any intermediary between the driver and the customer. This will inspire the new drivers to recommend other drivers until a critical number of drivers as defined by the network are present on the DRIFE platform.

Drivers using the DRIFE platform will be able to build and foster the growth of their own fleet of drivers. This encourages all drivers on DRIFE to start a new business for themselves, as entrepreneurs by becoming a DRIFE partner gaining individual income, without sacrificing any earnings in the form of commission.


Blockchain implementation creates a fully auditable and valid ledger of transactions that is indelible and unforgeable. With a user-friendly interface to access the same, transparency in payments and fare calculations can be achieved.
Will be storing data on EOS Blockchain, which will include all the information about the Journey, Each and every Commuters review and feedback will be stored on the distributed ledger, Commuters will be able to view all the details of drivers

Badge of Honor

Unlike the rating and evaluation systems employed by incumbent players, DRIFE brings in an innovative and holistic approach to gauge the services provided by drivers and reward them accordingly

Architecture: The GET model

Built over the EOS blockchain, architecture leverages three unique properties of the parent chain:

| Decentralized Technology and Economics
| Staking Economic Model
| Speed and High Performance


The GETmodelwillensure that community is well incentivized to buildthe ecosystemfor the nextgeneration ride-hailingplatform.

  1. Governance
    Every nation has their laws/rules written on the constitution. Any change to the constitution can only be done by the representatives elected by the citizens. DRIFE believes in a democratic voting mechanism depending on the number of tokens staked at that moment. More the tokens staked, higher is the weightage of voting. This is followed during any decision-making. The voting should not be influenced by any campaigning like activities for a decision, violating the constitution’s laws.
  2. Economics
    It encourages active participation from the community members towards contribution by incentivizing them proportionately. Monetary interest would keep the drivers active all the time. For a driver, the incentive (in DRF token) is additional to the fare-per-ride. On the other side, the rider shall pay the fare either in DRF token or other token/currency. If the fare-payment is done in DRF token, then the incentive (in DRF token) is rewarded based on the rider’s behavior for that ride. DRIFE-Economics has token-allocation program to incentivize the discussions among the drivers and passengers on social platform for lifetime. This would help in bettering the platform through highlighting the flaws and finding a good solution relatively.
  3. Technology
    It plays the role of an infrastructure available for drivers and Commuters to exchange rides. And Blockchain is the medium to achieve decentralization on DRIFE platform. All forms of request are executed through different contracts like payment, ride-access. As the platform scales among users in the market, there is going to be huge amount of data generated, stored on EOS. The need of recommendation would grow rapidly which can be handled very easily using Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) models. Eventually, DRIFE would be an amalgamation of Blockchain and AI technologies.



A 3-Way Incentive Ecosystem

Platform is designed to reward contributors with incentives towards the development of the ecosystem.
Through the DRIFE architecture, are able to completely offer the best service practice to enable all stakeholders in economy to derive maximum utility satisfaction from product.


It empowers the drivers in ecosystem to receive the complete fare paid by the passengers because of no commission feature.
• Stable and sustainable Income
• No Commission pay-out
• Network Building and passive income generation.


It empowers the rider through dApp to have the best experiences per ride both in terms of platform multiple-option features and during their journey.
• Economical Fares
• Safety
• A preferred list of Drivers
• Community Support


It incentivizes developers to create useful tools and features to expand the platform’s economy.
• Bug and security bounties incentives.


Drife token, DRF is a utility token that will also function as a currency within platform. It will be used to execute ride payments, access loyalty rewards and staking functions on platform.


ICO Model

DRF tokens will be pegged at the value of $0.25 USD
50% of token supply in ICO for sale: 162,500,000 DRF

Soft cap: 32,500,000 DRF (20%).

Hard cap: 162,500,000 DRF (100%)

After the ICO these utility tokens are not just restricted for services but also sold on exchanges.
The Driver and rider bonus tokens are to encourage loyalty from DRIFE customers, this will be distributed in form of free miles to the early adopter of DRIFE APP for commuting, and this is given to both rider and drivers for adding new people to their network.


Presale: Discount Rate-20%
Total No. of DRF to be sold => 32.5 Million

Main ICO I: Discount Rate-15%
Total No. of DRF to be sold => 65 Million

Main ICO II: Discount Rate-10%
Total No. of DRF to be sold => 65 Million

Token Sale:

Token Allocation

Overall, 325,000,000 tokens will be released. The hard cap of the tokens for sale is 60%. The remaining 50% of total emitted tokens will be divided amongst the Private sale (10%) Social Incentive (10%), Development pool (5%), Team members (5%) founder (10%), bounties and Airdrop (3%), Referral, Rewards and Bonus-5%, Advisory (2%)

Token Allocation .jpg

Fund Distribution

All funds contributed as part of the pre-sale will be used for development, testing and release of Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Furthermore, these funds will be used to support community building campaigns.

Funds contributed as part of ICO will be spent on rolling out the final version of the platform and its mainstream adoption. Areas on which ICO funds will be spent include product enhancements (including bug bounties), 3rd party audits, testing, marketing and reserves for any possible contingencies. Break down of funds that will be spent on each area can be seen in the given chart to the left.

Fund Distribution.jpg




Bitcointalk ANN thread:

The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

Fiii — Evolving Ecosystem For Individual, Commercial & Business Needs




FiiiPOS has a variety of models and is currently the only mobile payment POS terminal in the world that is compatible with more than 1,500 types of cryptocurrencies. Designed with a patented technology, FiiiPOS supports a multitude of functions including Near Field Communication (‘NFC), Bluetooth 4.0, code-scanning, Global Positioning System (‘GPS’) close-range payments and facial recognition.

As an all-in-one payment terminal, FiiiPOS also supports major global currencies, coupled with the ability to print transaction documents. It can enable mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc. to carry out small-scale consumption instantly at a very low fee.

Backed by support from FiiiGroup’s very own exceptional technical team, transactions via FiiiPOS can be carried out securely with lightning speed and flexibility with the additional benefit of minimal transaction fees.

Through FiiiPOS terminals, it is easier to tap into new markets and reach new consumers. FiiiPOS is developed based on the Android operating system and supports SD card.This way, the POS machine plays a part in the unused storage space.

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FiiiPay is more than just an e-Wallet application. FiiiPay offers a simplified and convenient way to store money and make online and offline transactions. It has powerful capabilities in multi-currency exchange transactions. It supports more than 1,500 cryptocurrency exchanges and is able to work with future currency.

At the same time, its API is robustly designed to readily interface with major shopping websites. Combined with FiiiPOS, FiiiPay will give you a speedy, convenient and user-friendly payment experience.Consumers can shop in places using offering FiiiPay services around the world without the need to prepare for foreign currency or being mindful of the current exchange rate. This is the unique advantage brought by cryptocurrency. FiiiPAY is envisioned to revolutionise monetary transactions international spending and global lifestyles as a whole.

Bluetooth 4.0 Beacon Technology, a patented Bluetooth payment, is used by FiiiPay to broadcast a custom data payload.This custom data payload contains the encrypted current logged-on user identity and the FiiiPOS terminal’s device Identity Detector (‘ID’) to capture payment requests to the FiiiPay payment gateway. With the Beacon Technology, the application can share data with POS terminals even during offline mode.

The use of NFC for payment is fully supported by FiiiPay — a very popular, safe and convenient payment method widely used in Apple Pay and Samsung Pay. Most importantly, FiiiPay application also adapts well to both Android and iOS system.



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FiiiEx is a cryptocurrency exchange platform or digital currency exchanges (‘DCE’) that allow customers to trade cryptocurrencies. It operates similarly to the 500 other crypto exchanges around the world.The real differentiation between FiiiEx and others, is that it is a subsidiary of FiiiGroup, which is to mainly support FiiiPay and FiiiPOS on cryptocurrencies trading.

The platform will start with Bitcoin Ethereum , FiiiCoin to Alternative Coins. For convenience, will link FiiiEx (FiiiExchange) in the FiiiPay app to enable users to trade and update pricing simultaneously.

All existing exchange platforms will have to purchase either Bitcoin or Ethereum and convert them to other coins. For FiiiExhange it works the same way where the main three coins will be Bitcoin, Ethereum and FiiiExhange. If the public desires to buy other cryptocurrencies, they will be required to purchase any of these three to perform any trade.

For the long term, will ensure that FiiiEx complies with the relevant regulations, laws and regulators. Will commence this product by introducing a beginner-friendly version with frequent updates on security and providing high-speed trading capabilities and a reasonable exchange rate.


FiiiChain, the blockchain technology underpinning the Fiii ecosystem and serving as the foundation for FiiiGroup’s products and solutions is a product of years of research and development conducted by FiiiGroup in search of the ultimate blockchain technology. It was developed based on Bitcoin’s blockchain minus its weaknesses and with the addition of a host of enhanced features and capabilities.

This was developed from the ground up using C Sharp (C#), a widely recognised programming language popular among large corporations. It is extensively known for its security and technical support.Featuring a dynamic layered approach to blockchain architecture, strategic components of FiiiChain can be modularised to suit specific applications. This versatile design allows FiiiChain to support a panoramic scope of data including transaction records,contracts, product serial numbers and many more.

FiiiChain .jpg

Versatile & Multiple Benefits of BLOCKCHAIN SaaS

• Low service fees, flexible selection of blockchain module, a good backup system, ready maintenance, secure, upgraded services and easy application use;
• Customers can focus on their core business;
• Flexible to subscribe, unsubscribe and can be used anytime and anywhere;
• On demand order with a wide choice of selection;
• Ongoing product updates;
• Huge room for market development;
• Monthly subscription fee model;

Effectively reduces the cost of marketing and use of technology
• Face-to-face training is provided;
• Worldwide 24/7 network services;
• Does not require additional professional IT support; and
• Greatly reduces the overall cost of a user.


FiiiCoin is a cryptocurrency created with long-term stability and commercial viability in mind. It is envisioned as the ultimate «benchmark» for cryptocurrency. FiiiCoin is a customised proprietary software and is also a private chain cryptocurrency.

Designed and Structured to be RESOLUTE & ROBUST

FiiiCoin was developed following in-depth studies of the design, structure, strengths and weaknesses of major leading cryptocurrencies. These insights were then translated into the design of FiiiCoin, resulting in a cryptocurrency that is resolute and robust in design, possessing all the strengths of major cryptocurrencies yet without most of their weaknesses.

It is set to redefine how cryptocurrencies are used, processed and managed altogether in a brave new world of borderless spending. It is predicted that FiiiCoin’s annual commercial value is able to generate revenue of up to US$30 million or more.

Delegate Proof Of Capacity (DPOC)

FiiiCoin is a self-developed DPoC consensus algorithm which is in full compliance with the 21st century technological development environment. FiiiCoin developed DPoC mining technology to capture people’s attention and increase market acceptance and response.

The following explains the manner in which the Delegate DPoC (DPoC consensus algorithm) trades:

  1. Delegate means to support mining agents and DPoCs low power consumption and the use of storage for mining features that have created POS mining. In order to create a healthy payment ecology and control the value of currency fluctuations of FiiiCoin, FiiiCoin will create a merchant alliance pool dedicated to the merchant’s POS machine
    to participate in mining. DPoC will ensure that the FiiiCoin network remains operational and Merchants can earn revenue and reduce their transaction fees;
  2. If the merchant does not utilise the POS machine, the charging POS machine will carry out mining at the same time.

The Continuously Expanding ADVANTAGES OF FiiiCoin

  • User-Friendly — Easy to use and simplified design;
  • Everyday Usage Appeal — FiiiCoin is poised to emerge as a daily use currency, accepted and available everywhere;
  • Strong Commercial Base — Widespread use of various Fiii-issued hardware and solutions further adds to FiiiCoin’s stability and commercial appeal;
  • Borderless Spending — Accepted anywhere around the world where users no longer
    have to worry about acquiring the correct local currency when travelling;
  • Sustainable Mining — Lower energy consumption and better hardware reusability;
  • Excellent Flexibility — Any smart device with free space can perform mining, (i.e. a smartphone on charge);
  • Fast Transactions — Powered by Lightning Network where transactions can be completed almost instantly.This allows for greater scalability;
  • Resistance to ASIC — A unique DPoC design where mining productivity is largely dependent on memory space rather than raw processing power;
  • Accessibility — Any user with a smart device can participate equally in the FiiiCoin market;
  • Lower Transaction Fees — Users can freely use, accept, transfer or exchange FiiiCoin as the transaction fees are attractively low;
  • Safety & Security — Hosted in multiple servers across the world, FiiiCoin is less susceptible to hacking or other kinds of manipulation; and
  • Stability — With firm backing and proactive management from FiiiGroup, FiiiCoin prices will be less volatile,further enhancing its appeal as a currency.

FiiiCoin allocation

FiiiCoin allocation .jpg

Fiii Business Model

At present, revenue comes from three main types of sources, collection from user and merchant’s cryptocurrency, conversion transaction fees from FiiiEX, merchant 2-5% consumption transaction fees from FiiiPOS terminal and sales of FiiiPOS machine

Fiii Business Model .jpg



The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

Cryptonity — The Crypto Community Exchange




At Cryptonity Exchange, aim at providing the most comprehensive, secure, transparent and collaborative exchange platform in the market.

One of the key aspect of project is security. Want to provide to users the most secure trading platform. To achieve that goal, will work with the best known security experts in the market, be audited twice a year by independent security companies, and communicate audit results to all of users. Security partners will be mentioned on website. To go further in guaranteeing users the safest trading experience, will setup an insurance policy to refund users in case of losses, due to an attack. You will find more details about insurance policy bel below, in the Exchange Principles section.

The other very important aspect is the collaborative interaction with users. It is more than natural for us to involve users in the evolution of platform. Will have various communication channels open to interact with users and will make sure to respond to users’ requests as promptly as possible. Community to get involved in the evolution of the platform, in terms of features to be developed, coins to be listed, and so on. A “Feature Request” function will be implemented for users to submit the features they would like to see on the platform.
Last but not least, will put all efforts to provide users with a comprehensive and ergonomic set of trading tools, including a large number of languages.


Token specifications

Will issue own token, called Cryptonity Token, with the ticker XNY.
Cryptonity Token will run natively off the Ethereum Blockchain. In planning to develop own Blockchain in the near future and will start working on it right after Token Sale is finalised.

Will issue a fixed amount of 100M (one hundred million) Cryptonity Tokens. Will never increase that amount or repurchase Tokens. Manipulating token such as decreasing the total supply to create deflation is against ethical policy and the worst way to gain respect from the community, the traditional market and the regulators.

Cryptonity Token will be a utility token and its price shall thus be related to its utility. Token will grant its owners a lifetime discount of 50% on Cryptonity Exchange fees. It will also enable its owners to take part to specific features such as the vote for the “Coin of the Month”. Find out more details about fees in the “Economic Scheme” section.

Token allocation

Token allocation.jpg

Token sale rules & details

Token Sale will be done in multiple cryptocurrencies that are: Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin and Binance Coin.
Token Sale will be opened for 2 months (61 days to be more precise).
All investors need to complete their “Know Your Customer” (KYC) registration to be able to withdraw their tokens.
Lead company is located in France and thus the French laws and regulations will apply for the Crowdsale. USA citizens cannot participate in token sale. Citizens from any other country are welcome.
Cryptonity Token will be released 15 working days after the end of Token Sale.


Funds allocation

The funds raised with the Token Sale will be used as follows:

Funds allocation.jpg


Device coverage

To ensure to customers the most convenient trading experience on any device, will develop the following interfaces:

  • Web-based trading client
  • Android and iOS native client
  • Mobile HTML5 native client

Multilingual support

At the initial launch, 4 languages will be supported on Cryptonity Exchange: English, French, Chinese and Korean. As intend to provide the most comfortable experience to users, will add over time all relevant languages requested by users.

Trading pairs

At the initial launch, Cryptonity Exchange will support trading pairs in the following coins:

  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Crytonity Token (XNY, will be available once ICO is finished)
  • Tether (USDT)

In plan to support FIAT currencies as trading pairs, will do best to have it implemented as soon as possible.

Economic scheme

This section details the fees applicable on Exchange. All fees will always be accessible and fully detailed for all of users. No hidden fees.

  • Exchange/Trading fees: 0.1% per trade.
  • Withdrawal fees: between 0.2% and 0.5%, with variations between coins/tokens.
  • Other fees: in case other fees apply, commit to let users know about them, in detail.

Coins and listing policy

Cryptonity will charge a fixed fee to be listed on platform. But keep the right to select coins who strictly respect criteria of selection, which is based on: liquidity, community support, user base, use case and credibility, including “low market cap” coins if their meet criteria and get support from the community. In case are not sure about some coins, will solicit community feedback. Will also enable the community to suggest coins through “Coin Request” feature.

Beside the listing policy stated above, will also submit to users a list of coins that respect criteria for them to choose one as the “Coin of the Month”, which will be listed on platform.
Each user can vote for the “Coin of the Month” by using his/her XNY Cryptonity Tokens (cost to be confirmed). More details will be available on Cryptonity Exchange.

Cryptonity blockchain

In plan to develop and launch own Blockchain. Will start working on it as soon as ICO finishes, and will keep community updated with the progress. Community involvement will be key and a huge help for us.

Decentralised exchange

In plan is to build a decentralised exchange in the future, and want to do it with the participation of the community. That’s why will launch a “code-a-thon” program, in which the best implementation(s) and/or team(s) will be offered a prize pool, paid in XNY. Like own Blockchain, will start working on it as soon as possible, once are done with ICO. Users will be updated with the details on Cryptonity.


Security tools

You will find below the list of security features plan to implement on exchange. Some of them will be available at the launch, the others will come on a regular pace, as they are being developed.

  • The email for new login with IP address mentioned can be disabled.
  • Security secret questions and anti-phishing code.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) through Google Authenticator and Authy.
  • FIDO U2F Security Key implementation on compatible devices.
  • Fingerprint unlock available for Cryptonity phone apps
  • Automatic generation of a PDF with 2FA QR Code and Reset Key to be able to print them

Matching engine

Aim at providing one of the most powerful matching engine on the market.
Will support the following three types of orders:

  • Market Orders
  • Limit Orders
  • Stop-Loss Orders

Fiat deposits & withdrawals

Users will be able to deposit and withdraw FIAT currencies through SEPA and International SWIFT Bank Transfers, once their account is verified. This feature will be implemented as soon as possible, once negotiation with organisations to get the licence is done. Details will be communicated on Cryptonity.

Analysis & strategy tools

To help users make analysis on their trades and build their strategies, will implement a “Portfolio” feature that will enable them to easily track their gains and losses for each trade, configure price alerts, and many other options to be detailed on the platform.

Forks & airdrops

In plan to support forks but some forks/airdrops are doubtful or useless projects. Would like to let the community help us choose the right projects.

In the future, will implement an “Airdrop” feature to give users the possibility to participate to an Airdrop, to get credited directly on his/her Cryptonity Exchange account, and to trade the coin or token directly on exchange, when it will be listed.

Proof-of-stake wallets, staking & masternode

Aim at being one of the first exchanges to support staking rewards for customers. Believe that this is actually the best argument have, to convince the crypto-community to use Cryptonity Exchange rather than any other exchange.
If a user holds Proof-of-Stake coins on Cryptonity, will credit his/her staking onto his/her wallet.
Proof-of-Stake Rewards feature is planned for Q3 2019.
Will also consider implementing Masternode feature in the future.




Bitcointalk ANN thread:

The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

CryptoCircleX — The Most Advanced Crypto Exchange



Crypto Circle eXchange is a cryptocurrency exchange that is user focused, a dedicated live 24 hour support team, and user integrated tools and features geared to help traders with their investments on platform. Committed to making the mass adoption and promotion of cryptocurrency to the public. On-boarding new traders to the cryptocurrency market and creating a new user experience which is engaging, safe, user friendly, and beneficial, whether it’s for the newly entered trader struggling to learn how to trade in the cryptocurrency market to the seasoned professional that is a day trader or working for an institution.

Crypto Circle eXchange offer the easiest to use system for a cryptocurrency exchange, but also have the most powerful front end and backend system dedicated to customer assets safety. This platform can assist newly entering investors, day traders, and institutional traders to make more informed trades thereby increasing the probability of success, reducing the odds for investors to make unsuccessful trades.

Exchange Revenue Model

Crypto Circle Exchange’s revenue will come from the following sources:

  1. Exchange Fee:
    Crypto Circle eXchange will initially charge a 0.2% flat fixed fee per trade. Other variations will be introduced at a later time, including maker-taker and volume based tiering.
  2. Withdrawal Fee:
    Crypto Circle eXchange will charge a small fee dependent upon which cryptocurrency is involved for the withdrawal
  3. Listing Fee:
    Coins and Tokens can be listed through popular vote on Crypto Circle eXchange’s platform and there may be a fee associated with those listings
  4. Other Fees:
    There may be other fees the platform may collect for various services such as Bot Trading, Copy Trading, etc.

Key Features

Exchange platform has a multitude of features that sets us apart from any other exchange that is presently on the market. The features have are all to benefit the traders that are using platform. All the security and speed of exchange is designed so that customers have no fear of hackers taking their assets or the exchange just shut down for days because of this reason. You will also never see a server overloaded message as exchange can handle up to 10 million transactions per second.

Support an enterprise level matching system that has an algorithm that assess risk levels of every transaction, able to trade a multitude of different cryptocurrencies currently up to 1,600 plus. Not limited to any protocol on the Ethereum blockchain as well as support the Neo protocol for smart contracts. Platform can accommodate custom API’s and will be integrating in payment rails for Euro to BTC, USD to BTC and others.

Will have multi-language support for the exchange, so that all customers will feel comfortable in do trading in their own native language so there is no learning curve due to a language barrier. The UI is designed so that you can configure it to the way you like it or keep default user friendly design. As well as the fact that have 24 hour live customer chat support so you will never have to worry about having a support ticket sitting in the queue for days as will be available 24/7 to help with an issues you may have. Also have Institutional grade throughput and security.

Affiliate System

Crypto Circle eXchange has a referral bonus program and how this works is; when you invite your friends, you will earn 20% of the commissions on their exchange transactions every time they make a trade. If you hold 600 CCX or more the percentage of commission will increase to 35% of the friends exchange transaction fee completed. It will be necessary to copy the personal referral link from Crypto Circle eXchange and send it to a friend(s). They will need to register with the use of the referral link or referral ID. Each referral will be effective for 1 year starting from the first completed transaction of your friend on the exchange. The more traders you have register with your referral link or referral ID, the money you will be able to receive.

Affiliate System .jpg

The referral bonus is calculated by the following formulas:

Friends transaction amount X 20% = Referral Bonus
Friends transaction amount X 35% = Referral Bonus

Matching Engine

When creating a cryptocurrency exchange, speed is something that is of the utmost importance. Not being able to process transactions quickly and having a bottle neck that slows down trading when only half your customer base is on and making transaction can be a major issue. At Crypto Circle eXchange have a matching engine that is written in the Google Language (GoLang). With this programing language in place, the exchange is able to move faster than any other exchange on the market. GoLang is capable of 10 million plus transactions per second with a 40 nanosecond latency (meaning delay).

High Performance Trading

When speak of high performance trading, it goes hand in hand with the matching engine. This is the driving force of the matching engine. Have talked about how the exchange platform is developed in the GoLang (Google language) programming language. This provides many advantages over C, C++, Java, C# and Ruby, which are other programming languages, because it compiles easily into many different operating systems e.g. Windows, iOS, and etc, it helps to make concurrency more efficient, also it makes for a more accurate, faster, and cleaner coding environment. The GoLang machine language is extremely fast, and capable of processing millions of transactions per second with 40 nanosecond latency.
There have been multiple years of extensive R&D (Research and Development) invested into creating this exchange platform.

Anti-Market Manipulation

One of the biggest issues all cryptocurrency exchanges face on a daily basis is any assets being manipulated either up for a higher price or down for a lower price. Either way this facilitates the loss of customers’ funds and is not tolerated in the stock market so believe that it shouldn’t be allowed in the cryptocurrency market as well. The exchange platform’s real-time market surveillance, supervision, and compliance system monitors for suspicious trading activity such as abnormally large trades, pass-through trades, wash trades, spoofing, layering, stuffing, hammering, and momentum ignition. The Market Surveillance and Risk Management Solution also provides analytics which meet ESMA MiFID II and other post-trade reporting. It conforms to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR), US Dodd-Frank SEC regulation, and other international regulatory frameworks. Exchange has a built in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) algorithm that monitors real-time risk and scoring through a machine learning program that notifies admins of any sign of misappropriation.

Copy Trading

This feature is a very highly requested one by most traders. Crypto Circle eXchange Platform offers members with little or no experience in trading to learn from and mimic the signals of the carefully selected and approved professional trade managers. Their trades, analytic skills, and predictions will help users set up their Investor Portfolio from scratch. Users could mirror the trades they observe as they gain in confidence and skill in this new marketplace.

Auto-Trading/bot trading

Since the cryptocurrency market never sleeps, the advent of the trading bot has helped traders to stay on top of their trades while they are unable to be actively in front of a computer screen or smart device. Also, a correctly programmed bot allows trades to be executed faster and more efficiently than the trader would be able to do manually. Algorithmically-based smarter trading bot delivered via AI and machine learning. Trading bots are software programs that talk directly to cryptocurrency exchange and places buy and sell orders on your behalf. They make those decisions by watching the market’s price movements, and reacting according to a set of predefined rules made by the trader.

User Security

Registration system sends verification codes to customers via email and SMS to ensure that only genuine and validated users are permitted to sign up and use the service, helping deter suspicious activity, such as fake users from registering. Passwords are secured by not storing the information in plain text but rather, store on encrypted information. All sensitive user data is AES 256 encrypted before being entered into the database for safe storage. As a preventative measure, CloudFlare protection is used to defend against DDoS (Denial of Service) attacks which may occur.

Offer 2FA Google Authenticator for a more secure customer authentication login which highly recommend to all customers to use on their accounts for the added security benefit.

Desktop and Mobile App

Crypto Circle eXchange is also intending to come up with a mobile application for both Android and iOS users which will be available for on Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. The mobile application will make it easier for a user to keep track of new tokens that are being listed on Crypto Circle eXchange, and allow you to trade tokens online. You will be required to login after you install the application on your device, using the same login combination you use in Crypto Circle eXchange.

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Token Sales Structure

Crypto Circle eXchange has chosen a cap with parcel limit type of token structure for ICO. A fixed number of tokens 450,000,000 CCX are sold at a fixed price $.09 for each stage on a first come, first serve basis until all tokens are sold by the end of the ICO. There is a limit on the total amount that each buyer can purchase, which is $1,000,000 worth of CCX tokens. This is achieved by capping the amount of each incoming transaction, and making it difficult for a single buyer to send multiple transactions. There is also a cap on the amount raised which is $20,000,000 worth of CCX tokens (number of tokens to be sold). This type of model promotes a wider distribution of tokens, preventing a concentration in the hands of ‘whales’ (whale is a term in the cryptocurrency world used to refer to individuals or entities that hold large amounts of bitcoin or other alternative cryptocurrency with high value), while also promoting the sale of a fixed number of tokens.

Token Sales Details

The following will cover the entirety of all CCX tokens from the amounts down to the usage of each token

  • Soft Cap: 5,600,000 CCX Token
  • Hard Cap: 223,000,000 CCX Tokens
  • Venture Capital or Pool Groups are entitled to the same bonuses as the ones given during the Private Sale.
  • In the Private Sale there will be a bonus of 15% for all tokens that are purchased.
  • The Pre-Sale will have a 7% bonus for all tokens sold during this time.
  • These bonus tokens are part of the 450,000,000 tokens available for sale.
  • There is also a High Volumes sales bonus chart that runs in tandem with the Stage Bonuses.

Token Sales Details.jpg

Token Allocation

Plan on taking the funds that are raised from this ICO and putting them towards the following areas.

Token Allocation .jpg

Token Distribution

In this section talk about how have grouped off the entire CCX token created and how plan to make use of them.

Token Distribution.jpg

CCX Token Buy Back and Burning Program

The repurchasing plan will be carried out on a bi-annually basis and will use 10% of profits to buy back CCX tokens, which will be destroyed, until buy 50% of all the CCX tokens available (200 Million estimated) back. All buy back transactions will be announced on the blockchain. Will eventually destroy 200 Million CCX, leaving 200 Million CCX remaining. This is an approximation until all ICO has completed to know the exact total amounts being burned.

CCX Tokens can be purchased with ETH on the following website:




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cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

LOLIGO — World First ICO Safety Ecosystem


Loligo is are volutionary platform that ensures the smooth operation of ICO sthrough innovative staggered contracts and under the control of the participants. Loligo allows both community and centralized approaches while reaping the most benefits. In practice, it’s a cryptocurrency based on a public and open-source blockchain, run by a company that serves as a legal representative.


Several features distinguish Loligo from other tokens and cryptocurrencies on the market:


Loligo is a public and open source blockchain that targets a community-wide adoption. The main token is mineable. A minimum value proportional to expended energy is guaranteed.

Store of Value

Unlike «utility tokens,» whose emission is controlled by a single line of code, Loligo is a true digital media value storage, just like gold or Bitcoin.

Limited Supply

The number of Loligo tokens is set in advance. No changes are permitted. No hidden inflation is created. The scarcity of tokens over medium and long terms ensures guaranteed returns on investments.


As with Bitcoin, issuance of Loligo decreases with increasing difficulty that adapts to the overall hashrate.

No Extra Premining

Several currencies have used premining. This practice is related to reservation scams and abuse of unsold tokens often kept after the ICO. Loligo is an exception, mining only the quantity of tokens sold during the ICO.


Unlike many famous cryptocurrencies whose mining portion reserved by the founder sometimes reaches 20%, such as Zcash, all compensation from Loligo mining is available exclusively to the miner.


Through its staggered contract, Loligo is the only way to ensure a fair and balanced relationship between the project launcher and investors


Loligo is not influenced by any entity or agency. Listed on the public exchange, the price of the token is fixed by the single free trade in this market.

Dedicated Network

Unlike other currencies, the Loligo blockchain is dedicated exclusively to the launch of ICOs.

Security Governance

Despite widespread, common adoption, policies and decisions related to the evolution of more traditional currencies remain unclear. Loligo ends any interpretation and introduces security governance.

Professional Support

Through its parent company, Loligo offers direct professional support to investors. This includes complete support, expertise, auditing, or even code writing.

Next-Generation Tools

Absent quality tools, monitoring and management of blockchain ICOs today remains difficult or impossible. Loligo offers a set of new-generation tools like Smart Explorer, allowing monitoring of an entire portfolio.


The figure below describes the components of the Loligo platform:

The use of Loligo does not necessarily require access to the online platform, indeed the basic package provides access to all the features of the blockchain. This basic formula includes the full node wallet, a mobile access application, and access to the Smart Explorer. To exploit the power of the Loligo solution, an online account is essential.

Depending on the subscribed offer, several tools are available:

Smart Wallet
Main wallet is available online. This is the entry point dedicated to investors. It allows the purchase and storage of Loligo tokens, participation in different ICOs, portfolio monitoring, and especially voting for or against current projects.
ICO Market
ICOs launched with the Loligo platform are immediately listed in the marketplace. This component lists ICOs as well as associated labels, and classifies them by category, official or public rank. The official rank is updated in real time by retrieving the data from the Benchmark component. Purchases on marketplace are made using smart wallet balances or directly in fiat.
Smart Explorer
Loligo introduced a new generation of blockchain explorers dedicated to ICOs. Conventional explorers like Etherscan provide information related to the transactions and contract in raw form, certainly effective and useful for a transaction tracker. Unfortunately, these tools cannot provide statistics and useful information for investors.

Loligo Smart Explorer provides an efficient, simple and graphical way for investors to follow the evolution of ICOs and projects in detail while keeping a larger, general view of their context and states.

LCC Factory
This internal component, interfaces mainly with the Dashboard. It allows the ICO launcher to edit, check, test and publish its LCC contract on the blockchain.
Although it’s the top priority, the security of invested funds is far from the only concern of investors. Quality and good project performance indicators are essential. For this, Loligo provides an ICO evaluation platform composed of both the results of automated analysis and advice from experts. The analyses include code analysis, unit testing, testing in a simulated environment and load testing. Unlike evaluation services already abundant on the market, platform continues to analyze the performance and robustness of the ICO and continually updates the score in real time.
Today, launching an ICO requires the establishment of a monitoring site and rather sophisticated token management. While such a website requires mobilization of substantial resources, the features that are present are fairly recurrent. Loligo offers an online service that pools the classic features of the dashboard and innovates them by enriching them with new use cases.

Indeed, the ICO launcher has the choice between uploading his contract or creating it with intuitive graphic LCC Factory wizard. The contract must then pass the verification phase and the publication on the testnet. The publication and launch of the campaign is one click away and accessible to everyone.

Once the ICO is finished, the contract and balances may be migrated to Ethereum to take advantage of the wealth of its applications.

Included in paid packages, this service is also offered separately.

Ethereum Relay

The relay is a component allowing the interaction between the two blockchains, Loligo and Ethereum. In other words, it allows a Loligo account to receive payments from Ethereum and vice-versa. In practice, this is achieved through a smart contract that checks the header of each block before it is added to the blockchain.

This solution is very interesting and important for Loligo. It permits a very open architecture and provides the ability to perform several innovative deployments. For example, users can:

  • PParticipate in the Loligo ICO with an Ethereum account. This allows for direct access to an already recognized currency pair that is immediately available and purchasable via fiat (government-backed currency).
  • Interacting with services already deployed on Ethereum Loligo from a contract.
  • Transfer service having already launched its ICO on Loligo for final deployment Ethereum
  • Migrate existing Ethereum accounts to Loligo
  • Migrate Ethereum ICO to the final Loligo chain without snapshot effort
Loligo Exchange
This is a private cryptocurrency exchange that consistently supports all ICOs launched via the Loligo platform. It mainly helps ICO token holders sell their reserves before the official listing. Exchange also allows miners to sell their tokens directly in a marketplace with sufficient demand. In addition to the intuitive mode of exchange, a “pro” mode is available for more advanced users. Its modular architecture permits support for several recognized currencies. Deposits and withdrawals to the Smart Wallet are natively supported.

Initially it was decided to support the following currencies:

  • ETH/ BTC: These are the two most recognized cryptocurrencies and accepted worldwide. This ensures maximum interoperability transfer and exchange of currencies.
  • LTC(Litecoin): The third most recognized currency and by far the one with the fastest blockchain among the top 5. LTC is supported by almost every exchange and directly buy able with fiat.
  • ZCL (Zclassic): For reasons of preservation of anonymity, it was decided to propose a currency offering transaction encryption. Choice was focused on Zclassic due to available liquidity, the large exchange support and above all, the absence of hidden costs.


LCCs (Loligo Cyclic Contracts)

Loligo introduces an innovative type of contract for the phased release of funds: LCC. In practice, the funds are periodically released under control of a passive participant’s vote.
An emergency stop is also available when the unexpected arises. If stopped, the remaining funds are fully recoverable.


Presale Procedure

For the sake of full transparency, it was decided to start the Loligo token presale by way of an Ethereum ERC-20 contract. This type of sale guarantees a public and unfalsifiable database that lists the participants and amounts mobilized. This same sale enables participants to automatically recover their LLG tokens after public blockchain launch without intervention of the technical team.

Upon completion of the presale, participants hold ERC-20 tokens. These tokens are available via an Ethereum wallet, and may therefore be exchanged directly or on a supporting Loligo ERC-20 exchange. Indeed, even though the existence of these tokens is indefinite, their utility is expected to end as soon as associated Loligo tokens are recovered. It is therefore normal that the support of ERC-20 tokens on trading platforms is not considered a priority for the remainder of the project.

However, due to the simplicity of adding this type of tokens in the exchanges and wallet, an envelope will be devoted to referencing the token on a recognized exchange if the average capitalization threshold is reached.

The actual availability of Loligo tokens begins with the first public deployment of Blockchain. Recovery of final tokens is automated. In practice, the rules of consensus will be changed occasionally to insert the necessary transactions to synchronize balances from a snapshot.

Snapshot and Premining

Knowing that an average ICO sells 60 million tokens with a value approaching $1.00, it’s essential to ensure the availability of a minimum of liquidity in the trading market to ensure the smooth operation of collection campaigns. This represents the number of tokens distributed during the presale.

An Ethereum snapshot will be announced just after the end of the presale. This way, anyone wishing to acquire LLGs should hold the equivalent of ERC-20 tokens at the time of the snapshot. Amounts inERC-20 tokens will be premined on the official blockchain.

Unlike many altcoins, the use of premining is regulated and justified. This is to guarantee shares to the ICO participants. No additional tokens will be mined. The mining starts at the first block and for reasons of governance and performance, the Loligo blockchain doesn’t report any balances from existing cryptocurrencies. In particular, no Ethereum account will be postponed. There is absolutely no question of a hard fork.

The Consortium Phase

This is a partially private deployment. It is a hybrid between the private blockchain of the POC(proof of concept) and the final, public blockchain. Transaction validation entities are trusted nodes designated by us. The transactions continue to be public and accessible to anyone.

This deployment allows us to:

  • List the token on recognized exchanges
  • Distribute the final tokens to participants
  • Launch ICOs of first industrial partners
  • Prove the operation and robustness of solution to the public
  • Start up commercial services based on the Loligo blockchain.

The Public Phase

The public launch signifies the start of the community and public-at-large phase for Loligo. The validation of transactions is no longer restricted to just trusted nodes.

Token distribution

The total number of sold tokens is 16M. Tokens sold during the ICO will be automatically reported on the final blockchain. Since the final currency is not an ERC-20 token, all ERC-20 tokens will be burned as soon as balances are reported on the main blockchain. The information provided regarding the creation, processing and allocation of tokens represents the current plan. The distribution plan is subject to change; any changes to it will be officially announced via social channels.

The sale is executed using a public smart contract, the sources will be available online. Since the token sale is automated, the tokens purchased are immediately transferred to the buyer’s address. The duration of the transaction depends on the network load and the amount of gas available. The purchase fees are the responsibility of the investor.
If the Softcap is not reached, all purchases will be refunded. Refund starts immediately at the end of the crowdsale and available during one month. Since the refund is a transaction, the associated costs are charged to the investor.
Total ICO supply: 16M
Technology: ERC-20 then Loligo Blockchain (see roadmap)
Available for purchase: 11.2M
Accepted currency: FIAT/ETH during private sale. FIAT, ETH, BTC, LTC in public sale
SoftCap / HardCap: 0.95M$ / 12M$
Initial rate: 1 LLG=0.003 ETH (±1.07$)


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The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

eXdorado Exchange — Easy, Secure, For everyone



eXdorado, the eldorado of exchanges

eXdorado aims to become the favorite exchange in the crypto-community. In order to achieve this, are going to create a complete ecosystem, fully decentralized, where each token holder of EXD will have stake in the exchange’s governance.

Describe eXdorado in a few sentences, this is how would do it :

  1. Decentralized governance, every decision will need to be approved by the community. The fees (listings, trading fees) will be also decided by token holders.
  2. Dividends on trading fees, listings and overall net profits of eXdorado
  3. Secured platform for ICOs funding
  4. Live trading, allowing 1.100.000+ trades per second. This will be increased over the years
  • FIAT: each listed coin on eXdorado will have a fiat pair.
  • Cryptocurrency trading with credit cards: will accept buys in credit cards for BTC and ETH. Will add more coins after.
  • SEPA deposits: no fees, and secured in partnering banks.
  • Several UIs: simple and comple UIs, for beginners and confirmed traders
  • Collaborative trading: follow the best traders and copy their trades with community trading feature.
  • Many languages: the first version of eXdorado will have 10 languages. Others will be added progrres-sively.
  • Unique features: ICO incubator
  • Evolving exchange: thanks to the decentralized governance. EXS holders will be able to vote on major decisions.
  • Accountability: in one click, access to all of your trades, PnL calculations and more.



EXS holders will have voting rights (1 EXS = 1 vote) on deci-sions regarding the exchange’s future. Voting platform will give to each holder a voice and a stake into eXdorado future.
On the voting platform you will be able to vote and make sug-gestions. For example :

-Do you wish to add LTC trading pair ?
-Do you want to reduce trading fees ?
-Do you want to organize a trading contest on Monero ?
-Do you want to increase trading fees ?

You can also submit your suggestions to the community. Suggestion rounds will be orgainzed each week. If a suggestion has the most votes in a week, it will be then voted by the community and finally developped by the team if approved during the vote.


  • ICO incubator: On ICO incubator, each project will have to respect criterias (for example, will evaluate project faisabi -lity), and will handle legal parts.
    If a project is selected, an ICO will be launched on the platform and will bring expertise and skills to the team.
  • Mobile and desktop app: trade from your home or the bus, thanks to apps.
  • API: will allow traders to trade on mobile app and develop trading algorithms.


Over the past years, many exchanges have been hacked. Will avoid this thanks to very secured system. Will not reveal how it works, but withdrawals will be processed only one time per day, directly from cold and multisig wallets.


To assure the security of the funds held by eXdoradoand customers funds, eXdo-rado Exchange is following the guidance of the Cryptocurrency Security Standard (CCSS). The CCSS is focused on the cryptocurrency storage and usage within a company. With the CCSS, eXdorado is able to securely manage crypto wallets.

Exdorado Exchange is respecting the three levels of CCSS, to ensure strong levels of se -curity for crypto wallets, use formalised poli-cies and procedures, and the requirement of multiple actors for critical actions. CCSS also requires digital assets to be distributed geographically.

With CCSS, eXdorado is able to make its users crypto wallets more resilient against threats and compromise.

The eXdorado card

The eXdorado card.jpg

4 types of eXdorado cards are available. Each card gives right to listing fees and other special features like 3FA and a bonus of tokens for the ICO. 3FA adds a level of security on your exchange account : another step of authentification with a unique number written on your card.

Other features will be announced soon.
-Classic card, unlimited cards available: 3FA
-Gold card, 1000 cards available: 10% of listing fees + 3FA + 10% ICO bonus
-Platinum card, 100 cards available: 20% of listing fees + 3FA + 20% ICO bonus
-Founder card, 10 cards available: 30% of listing fees + 3FA + 35% ICO bonus
These listing fees are shared between the eXdorado cards holders.
The other 40% listing fees are reserved for eXdorado exchange.

eXdorado tokens

eXdorado Shares

This token will grant holders a right for 100% of trading fees, distributed monthly as dividends. Tokens will be distributed like this after token sale :

eXdorado Shares.jpg

EXS supply will be 21 millions (21M). EXS will be issued on ethe -reum blockchain as an ERC20 token. If Token Sale (TS) tokens are not fully sold, will burn the unsold tokens.
ICO Hardcap : 10M$

eXdorado Trade

This token is entirely dedicated to the community.

eXdorado Trade.jpg

It will give trading fees discounts on the trading platform (50% dis-count). This will be also an ERC20 token. EXT supply will be 100M.

Burning plan of EXT

Each month, 10% of profits from eXdorado Exchange will be used to buy back EXT tokens. These tokens will then be burned. In the end, 80% of EXT tokens will be buyed back and burned.

A unique dividend system!

Holding tokens, you will receive monthly dividends on eXdorado trading fees. Receive 100% of trading fees (with eXdorado Shares token) and 50% of listing fees (shared listing fees only with an eXdorado card).
To explain it simply, you will earn automatically every piece of profits gained by the exchange.




Bitcointalk ANN thread:

The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

DECOIN :1st blockchain Profit Sharing Exchange platform




Being as “DE COIN of DE People” building a platform that will beable to provide its partners and users with a frictionless fast, secureand inexpensive trading experience thatmakes trading enjoyable and peaceful. Add a close support team with that and mix it with social trading, thenjust sparkle it with some revenue sharing and you havea Winning Combo.
DECOINaims to build a world-renowned, quick-action easy & simple multicurrency-exchange and trading platform, which shares the exchange’s revenues with all of its coin-holders. More than that, DECOIN’s top notch security level promises it’s users a calm, relaxing and reliable experience to assure accomplished transactions.

There is no doubt that an exchange sharing its own revenueswith its contributors will lead the world to new boundaries! Rest assured, we will cross these boundaries as well. If you admire social trading, you can follow the trading activities of our top tradersOur platform is completely regulated fully secured and transparent.


Secure -following financial industry standards, D-TEP protects all sensitive data stored on its platform. Multi layered real time authentication encompasses our trading platform, protecting trades and withdrawals from the exchange, while providing maximum security to our user base

Scalable -capable of executing up to 1 million match’s per second, making D-TEP one of the fastest and most scalable exchanges in the market today, able to handle the large volumes of trading expected

Quick –D-TEP uses innovative technology that enables us to execute buy/sell orders swiftly -without the lag that characterizes many of the exchanges active today

Social Trading –leading traders on D-TEP who are interested and consenting will receive DECOINS to have their activities tracked and displayed anonymously, allowing other traders to learn from their knowledge and experience.

Trading Tools –D-TEP also plans on offering financial tools such as contract for difference(CFDs), allowing traders to take advantage of prices moving up or prices moving down on underlying financial instruments. DECOINS team of analysts will provide periodic reports on market trends / new ICO’s and digital coins that are in the spotlight

First Crypto Index –To make the trading experience as seamless, enjoyable and profitable as possible for our partners and users, DECOIN/D-TEP is launching its first crypto index (DCI). Companies trading their coins through D-TEP will directly influence the increase in value of the DECOIN, creating revenues for all DECOIN members trading through the D-TEP platform. Users also enjoy added revenues from index investment cash-outs and have full control over the division of your investment assets among ICOs and companies listed in the DCI.


Trades coins

The first phase of D-TEPtrading platform will allow our customers to trade the following coins:

Trades coins.jpg


To make the trading experience as seamless, enjoyable and profitable as possible for our partners and users, DECOIN /D-TEP is launching its first crypto index (DCI). DECOIN’s team of expert analysts are scouring the crypto market to learn optimal performance practices -and locate attractive and financially promising investment opportunities. We will select 5-8 promising crypto companies that we believe have the parameters we are looking for in the DCI. As we move forward, additional indices will be created, in different sectors, to meet our users’ growing needs.

In lieu of a buy-in fee, companies wishing to join D-TEP swap out their own coins with DECOINS, immediately granting them unprecedented access to opportunities to trade and make attractive investments in crypto companies within the DCI.

A platform for the people -As increased promotion and longer periods remaining with a particular investment leads to increased DECOIN valuation and profits for all users, users are mutually interested and invested in trading through the D-TEP platform.

Investment-as-a-fund -Will raise the value of DTEP coins for the long term, which will lead to a higher revenue of the coin holders.

Flexible investment opportunities -As a personal ETF, users have full control over the division of your investment assets among ICOs and companies listed in the D-TEP crypto index (DCI).

lowering risk and protecting all invested funds.


A majorchallenge all digital coin holders and traders face regularly is how to exercise their crypto currency and use it for everyday expenses and spending.DECOIN is the first company that has developed sophisticated wallets that let you spend your digital currency when ever you want and where ever you are.

Our Vision is to enable every DECOIN holder to enjoy and access the profits he receives, regardless of whether he traded himself or had been awarded his share of DECOIN revenues.

Our card holders will also have access to rebates and other cost savings in selected stores, entertainment venues and other consumer facing stores.DECOIN provides five (5) types of credit card with different types of benefits –all depending on the amount investmentin DECOIN.

Below is a list of the minimal terms needed to receive the Decoin cards



DECOIN is an open source peer to peer digital ecosystem based on Blockchain technology, that encompasses its own proprietary digital currency, the DECOIN

  • DECOIN is powered by D-TEP, a trading platform that redistributes revenue gained from fee charged on the platform, back to its holders
    -The annual yield is an integral part of the technology we’ve built into the coin. Our technology was developed so that the number of DECOINs created will be a fixed number. With the help of our Proof-Of-Stake consensus algorithm we can achieve those benefits
  • DECOIN can be used to invest in ICOs and companies in the D-TEP crypto index (DCI), creating revenues for all DECOIN members trading through the D-TEP platform and enabling all users to receive bonus profits in DECOIN from index investment cash-outs.
  1. 140 million coins @ MAXIMUM CAPACITY
  2. 70 million of these coins will be distributed
  3. 70 million coins will be allocated and used to guarantee the 6.2% annual return promised to DECOIN holders through the Staking of the coins on their online DECOIN wallet

D-TEP will allow the exchange of the DECOIN currency to other forms of digital assets. We also plan on allowing Crypto-To-Fiat trading in the future as wellAll holders of the DECOIN currency automatically receive trading discounts on D-TEP



Q2 – 2018 Characterization of D-TEP complete.

• License application – Applied for European licensing.

Q3 – 2018

• Private sale
Road show of Decoin all over the world
• RMO Licence
Applying for RMO License and opening office in Singapore.
• DTEP Index
Announcing 5-10 Companies featured in our index.
• Pre ICO Stage
Marketing and promotions for the Pre-ICO stage.

Q4 – 2018 ICO STAGE

• Wallet Launch + Distribution of DECOINS
Launching the DECOIN mobile wallet for Android & iOS applications / LINUX /
MAC OS / Windows – Secured Online Staking Wallet, and starting the
distribution of DECOINS from DECOIN ICO Dashboard to DECOIN Wallet
• Exchange platform launch (D-TEP)
Launching our own Exchange Platform – D-TEP

Q1 – 2019

• Trading platform launch (D-TEP)
Launching our own Trading Platform – D-TEP





●38% Of proceeds will be used to build the D-TEP platform, Licensing fees, R&D, Upgrades, Fixes.
●25% Will be used for the smooth running of our operation, including sales & compliance team recruiting, training
●20% Will be used for D-TEP branding and marketing, including continuous promotion and education of D-TEP platform and DECOIN, innovations, budget for various advertisement activities.
●17% will be kept in the Liquidity Pool to serve for times of unexpected situation that might come up.



To protect our customers and prevent security breach’s:
•97% of customer’s funds are stored offline
•The remaining 3% traded actively are insured and safeguarded against malicious hacks

D-TEP Exchange allows for order-processing of up to 1 million matches / second. We can assure a seamless process with no delay or lag when using D-TEP

Any question, assistance or request you have will be answered by our online customer service, chat, email, etc.

Transactions are not tied to any personal information. Other users can only see the activity associated to a particular
wallet address

Each of DECOIN’s experienced management team has no less than 10 years of experience marketing and selling financial instruments

Designed to distribute an annual return to all stake holders, due to Proof of Stake consensus algorithm

DECOIN is the first company that enables a Credit-Card connection to your own exchange and trading platform account

Companies buying into the index by swapping their own coins for DECOIN gain unprecedented access to investments in attractive ICOs and companies. Increased promotion of DCI trading leads to increased DECOIN valuation and revenues for all users


A core concept of the DECOIN is our sharing economy.
We have undertaken to redistribute back to our coin holders up to 60% of our revenues on our exchange.
We offer Five different types of yield:

  1. Revenue Sharing –A percentage of the revenue sharing generated on D-TEP. DECOIN will redistribute 10-20%of its revenues on D-TEP, depending on the average daily VOLUME generated on D-TEP’s platform –that will increase over time.
    The revenues will be redistributed pro-rata between DECOIN holders in direct relation to their holdings
  2. Proof Of Stake (POS)–All holders of DECOIN willachieve a 6.2% rate of growth Per Annum for staking the coins in their online DECOIN wallet
  3. Discounted Trading Fee’s –For all holders of the DECOIN 40% discounted fee if you have DECOIN coins and you want to use them as the fee payment method (0.15% fee instead of 0.25%)
  4. Mutually-Beneficial Trading –Companies who buy into the D-TEP crypto index (DCI) by swapping their own coins for DECOIN receive X% of revenues earned by the D-TEP platform. Investing companies also mutually benefit from each others’ gains: increased promotion of DCI trading leads to increased DECOIN valuation and revenues from investment-as-a-fund cash-outs for all users
  5. Value Creation -Potential increase in DECOIN value following the embracement of DECOIN’s one-of-a-kind Ecosystem



Highly scalable, secure and commercial grade Blockchain architecture researched and developed in-house –a standalone Blockchain ledger.

Whether the market is up or down -DECOINholders gain from transaction fees and the daily volume on the D-TEP and shares most of its revenues with Decoin holders. Trading revenues include: spreads, commissions, aggregation, CFD’S and margin interest

Companies buying into the index by swapping their own coins for DECOIN will become mutually interested and invested in the index -and D-TEP’s success. Companies trading their coins through D-TEP will directly influence the increase in value of the DECOIN, creating revenues for all DECOIN members -a win-win for all!

Multilingual support team accessing customized information through our online customer services with detailed and precise information to get you started within the crypto-space

DECOIN’sPOS algorithm ensures 6.2% annual return to all Decoin holders that will stake their coins on DECOIN’sonline wallet



Bitcointalk thread:

The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

xDAC Platform — Place To Start and Manage Decentralized Companies

xdac new.jpg


xDAC Platform aggregates three components together in one place, automates them, so system is beneficial for company and their customers. Companies have control over their governance, finances and their respective team. Business partners have confidence that companies they deal with are reliable and solvent by using a transparent system of governance and dispute resolution. An xDAC Platform is focused on creating a comprehensive framework for entrepreneurs, teams, autonomous agents or investors in crypto space who can benefit from decentralization.

xDAC helps owners to operate a transparent decentralized company in front of their investors. Company owners can manage their team, tokens and financials, and securely store data on a decentralized ledger. Automated governance and dispute resolution will add to the speed of business evolvement and reward systems will make companies and their teams more productive, efficient, and motivated.

xDAC is an entity created and operated on decentralized digital ledger by one or multiple human or Autonomous Agent owners or a mixture of both that share a common purpose and unites in order to focus their various talents and organize their collectively available skills or resources to achieve specific, declared goals.

Decentralized company owns capital and other, primary digital, assets. It can also collaborate with other partners or businesses inside and outside of decentralized network – making it a highly versatile entity.

Such a company exists as long as it is able to self-update its most basic components and continue being recognized as the same entity or until it decides to terminate its existence.

For customers

  • Fast and automated dispute resolution: xDAC provides arbitration system for any given dispute between two parties which allows arbitrators to resolve dispute based on documents provided by applicant and defendant very quickly.
  • Liability fund that can cover company’s debts or liabilities: Liability Fund is liability coverage in case of the xDAC’s debts or liabilities. It is created as percentage from received payment that is stored on separate wallet until
    certain limits are reached.
  • Transparency: Ownership in public xDAC organization is transparent and transferable. Voting token holdings are public, and owners have the right to transfer ownership to another party. There are four transparent functions of
    ownership built into public xDAC:
    (a) List all voting token holders (and their holdings)
    (b) Issue tokens, arbitrarily or with parameters
    (c) Sell or transfer tokens
    (d) Issue new non-voting tokens

For businesses

  • Same governance across entire platform
  • Control over teams and finances
  • Easy fundraising
  • xDAC platform profits distributed back to xDAC’s, not to other projects
  • No local government registrations and interference
  • Less administrative adherence, more time to focus on business


Ecosystem can be viewed as several distinct technological layers strategically connected together.


EOS Platform

Among the decentralized smart contract platforms, EOS is the most advanced, feeless, blockchain platform. Only in its testing phase, the growing developer community is in the midst of testing on top of the EOS platform, creating a vibrant ecosystem of second layer protocols and projects.

Scalability in a secure blockchain environment has become a hot topic in the industry and one that must be addressed. EOS is scaled to perform tens of thousands of transactions per second while other blockchains are seemingly congested with smaller projects.

xDAC Platform (Core)

xDAC Platform is the public’s smart contracts layer which provides an open-sourced implementation of the key components creating not only an environment but the governance for decentralized applications (DApps) and Autonomous Agents to be built on.

The xDAC platform will be generating revenue from fees that will be used to reward the most productive xDACs based on their PoW performance rating to incentivize their productivity on xDAC platform.

Account Types

Three types of accounts will exist on xDAC Platform:

  1. New xDAC: By creating an xDAC, owners will create a new company and are permitted to add team members, set their privileges, issue tokens, and other functions related to xDAC management.
    xDACs can make their information public and distribute tokens to the public through ICOs or any other public offering. xDAC will become an automatically transparent to investor accounts. Investors will have full access to review company processes and may vote from their investor account which, in turn, makes future ICOs more secure.
  2. Team Member: This account is design for company employees, contractors, freelancers or autonomous agents looking to join a specific xDAC team or any other team looking to hire new members into their team.
  3. Investor: From access to the database of public xDACs to information about their teams, productivity, financials, investors have the power to vote from their xDAC account.

xDAC Ownership and Token Issuance

With creation of xDAC, owners have option to issue a certain number of voting or non-voting tokens and distribute tokens between the owners/public through ICOs or token sale. Issuance of tokens will be performed through smart contract on the EOS platform.

Wallets and Payment Processing

xDAC platform will provide xDAC with two hot wallets as well as two hot wallets for each team member for XDAC Tokens.

xDAC Wallets: One wallet is for operational transactions accessible to xDAC owners or to authorized team members. The second wallet will be liability fund.

More wallets can be provided to xDACs to store their own company tokens or other tokens they receive as payment for their goods or services.

Team Member Wallets: Primary wallet team members use for receiving payroll salary whereas the second wallet will be retirement fund.

xDAC Payment Processing will be automatically available within each xDAC wallet. Every time xDAC receives payment, payment to liability fund will be subtracted from proceeds.

xDAC Liability Fund

An xDAC Liability Fund is coverage in case the xDAC’s debts or liabilities exceed a certain debt-to-equity ratio. It is calculated as a percentage of received payments stored in a separate wallet until certain threshold is reached. Liability fund is not accessible to owners during the company’s existence and is available for transfer 90 days after the company is ceased or transferred to new owner. Default settings on percentage and limits will be specified later; however it can be changed by xDAC owners and it is entirely in their power to establish a liability fund limit based on their business type. When setting up liability fund it is advised to set higher limit to avoid company freeze when small disputes are initiated.

xDAC Client

xDAC Client is a user interface that aggregates all available DApps and Autonomous Agents in one place. The initial plan is to build website and desktop applications for easier interaction with xDAC Platform.

Listed applications might not be available with initial releases and could be added in different order as work on project progresses. Here are some of DApps features:

Company Overview

To maintain xDAC culture across all owners and team members, it is important to specify xDAC name, company vision, social profiles, contact information, targeted customers, brand identity and other important company information related to brand and company goals.

Voting, Bylaws and Company Assets

Each xDAC will have the option to issue specified amount of voting or non-voting tokens at creation and split tokens between owners or launch token sale or ICO. All issued tokens are compliant with the ERC23 token standard
which means that stakeholders’ addresses can be linked to a name or tag or fetched by a secure identity provider.

  1. Voting
    Each owner of xDAC issued voting tokens have right to vote for ideas or important company decisions. In case of voting, new task is assigned to token owners in their account where each owner of voting token can vote. Voting is governed by a DAO concept.
  2. Bylaws
    Owners are able specify their own bylaws as the rules of an xDAC, established by the board of owners during the process of starting an xDAC.
  3. Company Assets
    List of company assets and their value can speed up a company sale, acquisition or liquidation. The list will be
    available to all xDAC owners.


xDAC team consist of team members (employees, contractors, freelancers or autonomous agents, etc.) that can work from same or remote locations. Initially, the company can hire team members after signing up for a membership account.

Designed for xDAC team members, managers will add each company’s personnel to hierarchy. With placing team member into xDAC hierarchy, each employee will get privileges allocated to specific xDAC functions tailored to their responsibilities.


Furthermore, the user interface will let owners choose the amount to pay, the frequency, the tokens to reward, and the parameters. This is to safeguard the company in case xDAC doesn’t want to pay certain employees based on assigned tasks. Team members are paid in XDAC tokens.

Project management

Project and task management is an important part of xDAC DApp ecosystem. It is the productivity DApp that forces leaders to manage their team effectively. Each assigned task has price options in XDAC tokens which keeps the team motivated while increasing token usability. Project management DApp provides the option to create projects, task lists and tasks and assign tasks to any team member.

Project management .jpg


The most important part of each company is payment processing and digital wallet. xDAC Platform will create wallet for each xDAC upon company establishment. Wallet will contain merchant features like a “Buy Now” button and streamlined billing. The “Buy Now” button can be placed on the company’s website and billing options allow for the creation of invoices.

New xDACs will have to establish a liability fund from received payments used to back disputes resolutions and/or fraud.
Payments can be accepted in different crypto currencies and converted by using third party services like ShapeShift or atomic swaps. The third party payments can be easily integrated for currencies that support this option.

The most important feature of Wallet is keeping track of all financial transactions, dates, and notes in key financial reports.

xDAC Foundation

xDAC Platform and xDAC client is developed by xDAC Foundation – the current team responsible for development and deployment of the xDAC project. xDAC Foundation initiates fund raising through XDAC Token and proceeds will be transferred to the foundation to finance further development.

XDAC Token

XDAC token is a platform currency representing value and wealth in the decentralized economy used for exchange of values between xDAC companies, employees, customers and other third-party entities.

The token will be used on the xDAC Platform for dispute resolutions, pay team members, accept payments for services, profit distribution, and incentivize development.

XDAC tokens are ERC-223-compatible tokens distributed on the Ethereum blockchain pursuant to a related ERC-223 smart contract. Ethereum tokens distributed in the ICO phase are pre-existing tokens and will be migrated to another protocol on the EOS platform.

The Ethereum XDAC Tokens do not have any rights, uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features, express or implied, including, without limitation, any uses, purpose, attributes, functionalities or features on the xDAC Platform.



Early Investors

Early Investors.jpg

Buy XDAC Coins:


A coin sale will distribute 40% of coins within investors and 20% of coins will be used to incentivize early adopters of the platform. The remaining 40% will be retained with the project team. Proceeds from a coins sale will primarily be used for R&D, operational expenses and marketing.

XDAC Coin Distribution


40% Coin Sale (Pre-Sale and ICO, post-ICO)
20% Community (Airdrop, xDAC Team Members and Arbiters)
20% Team, Early Backers and Advisers (Vested 6 months)
20% Foundation (Vested 1 year)

Use of Funds


40% Research & Development
25% Marketing and Community Management
25% Operational
5% Legal & 5% Reserve




Telegram group:

Account Name: criptocripto

cryptocurrency, Uncategorized

FORESTING — Next-Generation Social Media based on blockchain technology




The FORESTING Network consists of the blockchain based

  1. social media ‘FORESTING’,
  2. digital banking services for FORESTING participants ‘FORESTING Bank’
  3. ‘FORESTING Lab’ to support the FORESTING community and content creators.
    Each of the three departments is separated into their respective functions and roles to fulfill the core values of the FORESTING Network.

‘FORESTING’ or ‘FORESTING Platform’ is a blockchain based social media platform that deviates from the distribution system of traditional social media platforms. It provides a fair value distribution system for users who are the true owners of the platform. They deliver content through blockchain technologies and contribute to platforms in a variety of forms.

‘FORESTING Bank’ is a digital bank for content creators and curators alike. At the core of the FORESTING Network is the platform users who will be provided and supported by these financial services to create content.

‘FORESTING Lab’ supports communities and marketing activities besides the platform to activate the FORESTING Network, especially the content creators who are the owners of the FORESTING Network.

FORESTING Network Value Chain

The FORESTING Network is set up with three departments. 1) blockchain rewarding Social media ‘FORESTING’, 2) digital banking services for FORESTING participants are transformed into a direct payment from the ‘FORESTING Bank’ and 3) the ‘FORESTING Lab’, providing infrastructures and supporting content creators. While each department’s respective functions and roles are separated, the core values of the FORESTING Network remain the same. They were designed in a structure in which they interact systematically and create synergies.

  1. ‘FORESTING’: Blockchain based rewarding Social media
  2. ‘FORESTING Bank’: Financial services for FORESTING Network participants
  3. ‘FORESTING Lab’: Providing infrastructure and supporting content creators
  4. Providing credit rating information
  5. Financial services
  6. Using infrastructure and creating better contents

FORESTING Network Value Chain.jpg

At the heart of FORESTING Network’s three departments are the FORESTING users. The level of content delivery and platform involvement by the FORESTING user defines the scalability and impact of the FORESTING Network. The starting point for the FORESTING Network mechanism comes from the content providers and participants. It is also associated with the core value of the FORESTING Network, a fair world created by participants.

Blockchain Based Rewarding Social media ‘FORESTING’

“Connecting the world and making lives more valuable”

FORESTING is the platform’s revenue chain that allows users to quantify the content provider’s contribution to offer rewards using a distributed consensus method.


FORESTING, which will open a new world, is a combination o f ‘ Forest ‘ and ‘ Networking ‘ , ‘ Connecting ‘ , and ‘Interacting’. FORESTING is the primary social media, a blockchain with economic freedom for content providers. The platform will be able to increase the efficiency and impact of content providers by enabling them to generate new, faster content than traditional social networks. The platform will create a new ecosystem for social media through blockchain technology and a new concept of social media token operation.

FORESTING is designed to build a network by distributing income though reasonable content generation and on the assessment of the users’ content. It supports all types of content, whether it is text, images, videos, audio, or live broadcasting, and provides a social network based on a content-oriented rewarding service.


“Creating a unique credit rating system”

The purpose of FORESTING Bank is to support financial services that are required by users so that they can fully focus on creating the content at the center of the FORESTING Network. Users can contribute to the FORESTING platform through a variety of activities, including creating and providing content, writing comments, liking, and sharing. The contribution of users is evaluated using a new contribution assessment model presented by FORESTING Bank.

Users will be provided with a variety of financial services depending on the contribution level on the platform which is based on the level of their connections, the quality of their content, coin acquisition, and transactions. Users can improve their credit ratings just by working on social networking sites, and have an amazing experience with broader economic potential.

Users could not fully focus on content creation before. Some were categorized as self-employed or had to suffer economic difficulties such as low income. Financial services from existing banks are based on income, money transactions and credit ratings. Therefore this platform will lead to better content creation, enhance the quality of the content across the FORESTING platform, and ultimately lead to a virtuous circle structure that extends the rapid expansion and impact of the FORESTING platform.


“Innovating your dreams”

The purpose of FORESTING Lab is to provide infrastructures for communities who participate in the FORESTING Network and support content creators who want to make content and post on the FORESTING platform.

The FORESTING Lab runs an offline collaborative space for FORESTING users. FORESTING’s collaborative space is accessible to any participant in the FORESTING Network and is used fully to expand the FORESTING Network and develop the community. This space provides a place for the users at the core of the FORESTING Network to create higher quality content, along with the equipment needed such as cameras, microphones, lights, speakers, and instruments. Users no longer have to give up being a content creator because they cannot afford the space or equipment to create the content. By doing this, FORESTING will be able to offer high-quality content and build a stronger post-staging ecosystem.

Structures of FORESTING

FORESTING is available to anyone without prior knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Anyone in the world can easily profit from FORESTING, and just being active within the platform is rewarded with PTON.

FORESTING, a new concept of social media, distributes the revenue generated by the content to all users who contribute to it. In FORESTING, content creators no longer have to rely on the funds from followers and advertisers. Instead, users can benefit economically just by getting ‘Likes’ through the use of blockchain technologies and cryptocurrency. Blockchain technologies enable users to support content creators without losing anything, and users can also tap on incentives to post comments to other content creators or to ‘Like’ them.

FORESTING Contents Reward Mechanism.jpg

Core Features

Similar projects have been appearing in the market since the first blockchain-based social media platform, Steemit’s successful debut. FORESTING uses the best services to implement the perfect blockchain for social networks.

  1. User-Friendly UX/UI
  2. Device Optimization
  3. Categories for Social Media
  4. Supports All Forms of Content

User-Friendly UX/UI

As a blockchain based social media service, FORESTING’s goal is to provide users with an easy and convenient service, like on traditional social media platforms, while also providing real-time measurements and transactions of their content values. The platform also aims to provide a service that is intuitive to users, rather than a service that requires them to be aware of difficult concepts, like blockchain technology and cryptocurrency. For this purpose, will provide a service equipped with the best UX/UI. In addition, the platform supports voluntary activities such as registering, withdrawing, and deleting posts. For content providers, ‘Protection of Deletion and Personalization’ and hiding options are available for posts that users don’t want to be publicly viewable.

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Device Optimization

FORESTING is offering a new ecosystem that integrates people’s lifestyles and income into a single mobile app. This makes it easy for FORESTING users to share and influence their content anytime, anywhere.
FORESTING will be designed for the users to share text, images, and videos easily. People can comfortably write comments, send messages, and navigate chronological feeds. The content of FORESTING can spread rapidly across the public.
It is uploaded and shared live, and will be a unique source of social media like Facebook and Instagram, which have seen hundreds of millions of viral downloads over the years.

Major Categories for Social Media

Most of the social media related to the blockchain, including Steemit, is focused on specific categories such as ‘blockchain’, ‘ICO’, and ‘Cryptocurrency’.
Given the concentration of specific categories, and only having about 1 million users, Steemit is more like a community service, rather than a real social media platform like Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram, that all have more than a billion users.
In order to be a real social media platform, rather than a community platform, FORESTING is focused on major categories, ranging from lifestyle to beauty, entertainment, and so on.

Supports all forms of content

FORESTING provides users with the best security and privacy system possible, using blockchain technologies. One of the key components of blockchain technology is that it does not have a broker. The block is processed into a block after the encryption process, including the transaction details, transaction summary, and block information from the previous transaction. The encrypted block contains a full list of transactions and blocks until the last
minute, making it look like a chain.


The FORESTING Network also boasts the following strengths:

  1. Synchronizing Preferred Exchanges
  2. Masternode based P2P Transactions
  3. Coin Shooting(Donation for Content Creators)
  4. Open Market for Advertisement

Open Market for Advertisement.jpg

FORESTING Bank Credit Assessment Method

In addition to promoting credit rating through social activities, FORESTING Bank will introduce a credit rating structure according to its contribution assessment model, which only evaluates FORESTING platform contributions from FORESTING users. Every FORESTING user contributes to the growth of the FORESTING platform in a variety of ways, ranging from creating and sharing, as well as writing comments and viewing. Since the FORESTING platform’s blockchain technology offers the benefit of complete transparency through a highly integrated structure, all submissions and transactions appear on the blockchain through timestamps.

The FORESTING Bank collects the data shown on the FORESTING blockchain to measure the degree of connection, content creation, coin security, and the contribution to FORESTING’s growth. By doing so, the users who have opened accounts through FORESTING Bank can check their platform contributions at any time, and can raise funds required to create content. In fact, FORESTING will transform this into a credit rating assessment based on the creation of values for users rather than on a traditional credit rating assessment based on the financial histories provided by the traditional banks. Users can improve their credit ratings just by using social media, and can have an amazing experience with greater economic potential. Based on this, FORESTING Network will provide financial services that all users will be able to get access to, anytime, anywhere.

FORESTING Bank Credit Rating Method.jpg

In particular, the financial services offered by existing banks are based on income, money transactions, and credit ratings. Users will be able to fully focus on creating content through FORESTING by becoming ‘Influencers’ which had been difficult before due to economic difficulties such as self-employment or low income. This will lead to better content creation, enhance the quality of the content across the FORESTING platform, and ultimately lead to a virtuous circling structure that extends the rapid expansion and impact of the FORESTING platform.



The PTON token will be issued as a total of 24,000,000,000 (24 billion) tokens with ERC-20, with 40 % of the total token set for sale. ICO participants may receive the swap through the listed exchange wallet or the FORESTING wallet after the launch of the FORESTING mainnet.

General Information

General Information.jpg

Token Distribution

Token Distribution.jpg




Bitcointalk ANN thread:
Bitcointalk Bounty thread:
The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487