
BlooCYS is a revolutionary platform for hiring professionals for consultancy services using real-time video



Customers can find experts at their fingertips, while experts can use their skills to earn additional income through freelance opportunities.
Built of the new model of decentralisation and tokenisation, BlooCYS’s real-time video capability, user verification and review, comprehensive searchable directory of services by experts, blockchain technology for transparency and smart contracts with underlying token, gives this platform the potential to revolutionise and optimise the way people access, and offer, expert services.

BlooCYS platform

BlooCYS platform

Classified as the ‘supply’ in the platform, this is any expert in a subject matter who can publish or advertise service in the platform in order to maximise his/her economic value.
Classified as the ‘demand’ in the platform, this is for anybody who needs a real-time video consultancy service with a provider. Every user can have dual roles. But they can only have one role in a transaction i.e. he can be a Provider for most of the time, then seamlessly switch to Customer when he needs a real-time video consultancy service with another Provider.

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Services will be delivered through mobile devices like smartphone and tablet, on both iOS and Android. Will be launch a web-based application at a later stage, depending on market demand.

Real-time communication

Will to provide excellent communication quality, in real time, to deliver meaningful user experience.

Real-time Video
Optimised for high quality audio and video, video engine will provide peer-to-peer real-time video communication over Internet, enabling live video consultations.

Real-time Chatting
While browsing for available Providers in the directory, Customer can chat with different Providers before deciding on which Provider to engage. Or during a consultancy service, Provider can exchange information with Customer via text, and vice versa.

Video Recording
Provider or Customer can record video consultancy sessions for future reference and/or training, if it’s mutually agreed by both parties. This will be available at a later stage.

Video Analytics
Intelligent video analytics will help address concerns surrounding unlawful content during live video consultancy, while preserving user privacy. Available at a later stage.


ID Verification and Skill Validation

  1. ID verification system : One of the key applications of blockchain technology, it is critical to ensure users are using their real identity during the registration process. This is to prevent fraud or bad user experience from a fake identify. The verified ID will be hashed in stored in blockchain for security and transparency.
    ID verification system
  2. Data security: Fully encrypted personal user data with optional biometric locks will be securely stored in the user’s phone, instead of a centralised service or database. This will prevent vulnerabilities from data breaches or even denial of service in case the service is compromised.
  3. Skill validation: BlooCYS will also have multiple mechanisms to validate a Provider’s claim on the skills or expertise. This is mandatory for all Providers.
    • BlooCYS will form strategic partnerships with external qualification organisations and bodies for skills with professional certifications, such as chartered certified accountants, doctors, etc.
    • For skills without professional certifications, such as cooking, BlooCYS will use community ratings & reviews to validate a Provider’s skills.

User skill validation

BlooCYS Wallet

BlooCYS Wallet facilitates all transactions in platform between Customer and Provider. It provides convenience and security by allowing users to:
• Buy, store and sell CYS tokens
• Make and receive payments for services
• Receive reward

Smart Contracts and Crypto Payment
To ensure all transactions are carried out in a trustless, automatic and secure manner, BlooCYS model will be entirely decentralised with smart contracts. This allows users to secure the total value of a service in smart contracts and only release it when the service and subsequent review are completed. CYS token is the internal currency in BlooCYS platform, so all the payment and/or rewards will be in the form of CYS token.

Transaction and payment

While believe that crypto payment is beneficial for users as it is more transparent and cost efficient. BlooCYS will also support fiat payment in the beginning to increase user adoption and provide easy transition for users who are new to blockchain and/or crypto currency.

Users will realise the benefits of CYS token over fiat currency and use CYS token as the primary payment method in platform.
BlooCYS exchange in the platform will provide simplicity for user to buy and sell CYS token using local currency. Users will be able to use fiat currency in following ways:
• Buy CYS token
BlooCYS platform will have its own predetermined exchange rate with reference to a major currency.
This way, any user (including advertisers) will be able to seamlessly buy CYS token directly from BlooCYS platform without going to a cryptocurrency exchange in which user may not have an active account.
• Sell CYS token
Similar to buying CYS token, user will be able to sell CYS token back to BlooCYS platform and be paid in fiat currency.

Buying and selling CYS token in platform


BlooCYS’s business model and ecosystem are centred on the CYS token. CYS token is the main utility token in BLooCYS ecosystem. Providers will have the freedom to set their consultancy rate in a fiat currency equivalent in CYS. Believe market dynamics will encourage Providers to set reasonable rates in order to get Customers to buy their service. Using data analytics, BlooCYS will provide recommended rates to Providers.

BlooCYS token economy

Revenue Streams

There will be two primary revenue streams in the platform:
1. Service fee
BlooCYS will charge Providers a service fee of 5% on the value of the transaction.
2. Advertisement fee
There will be two types of advertisements in the platform:
a. Provider’s advertisement
Provider will be able to pay an advertisement fee to promote his/her service in the apps or to be prioritised in user’s search result.
b. Advertiser’s advertisement
External Advertisers can buy advertising space in the BlooCYS platform using CYS token. This means advertiser will need to buy CYS token through an exchange.

Advertisement revenues will be split in two. Half (50%) of the revenue will be used for platform operation, while the other half (50%) will go towards the Rewards Pool.

CYS token

CYS token is the only token used in the platform. CYS token users will be able to spend their token in BlooCYS platform, and in ecosystem partners’ platforms. In order to create a seamless user experience as well as easily transition users who are new to blockchain and/or cryptocurrency, users will be able to buy and sell CYS token to fiat currently directly in the platform. Also currently working with other partners to enable the
usage of CYS tokens in their platforms.

CYS Rewards
CYS Rewards is BlooCYS’s built-in mechanism to incentivise users to use the services and/or attract more users to the platform. All users will be able to earn CYS
Rewards through:
• Completing user review after each completed video consultancy session
• Referring new users to BlooCYS platform

CYS Rewards will be automatically converted to CYS token in proportion to the Rewards Pool.

Rewards Pool
50% of all advertising revenue (from Provider’s advertisement and Advertiser’s advertisement) in CYS tokens will be placed in the Rewards Pool. CYS tokens in Rewards Pool will be distributed in proportion to CYS Rewards every 3 (three) months.

Rewards Pool and distribution


The CYS tokens are released according to the ERC20 standard on the Ethereum blockchain. The total number of issued tokens will be 1,000,000,000 CYS, and no new tokens will be issued.


Token Distribution

Token Distribution

Funding Allocation

Funding Allocation


Q3 2018 – Q1 2019
Project initiation and Token sale
Whitepaper, Website, Initial ecosystem partnership, Private Token Sales, Public Token Sales

Q2 2019
Beta launch
Beta Launch, Initial ecosystem partnerships

Q3-Q4 2019
Launch of BlooCYS in Indonesia
Public launch in Indonesia, 3 channels: Education, Lifestyle and Tourism, Ecosystem partners onboarding

Q1 2020
Business expansion to key Asian markets
Expansion to other Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand,
Japan and Korea, Launch of other channels, Ecosystem partners expansion

Q2 2020
Features enhancement
New features for corporate users, Launch/rollout of new channels, Ecosystem partners expansion

Q3-Q4 2020
Business expansion to rest of Asia
Expansion to rest of Asian countries like Hong Kong and China, Rollout of new channels,
Ecosystem partners expansion

Global Expansion
Global expansion to other markets like Europe and South America, Continued rollout of new channels, Ecosystem partners expansion


Bitcointalk ANN thread:

The bitcointalk name: mreretic
Profile links :;u=1716487