cryptocurrency Library — P2P file catalog and marketplace


 WEBSITE Library (FFL )  is created by the team  to ensure data preservation for future generations, to eradicate illegal file sharing and to provide a convenient and searchable free for all to use file sharing platform .
The main thing in the platform is:
— usability
— community
— content
A powerful search engine and file directory will be created that will be available in any web browser.  The community will be motivated with FFM tokens to do useful work,  will implement a transparent blockchain database and provide rewards for users for their contribution to the development of the platform. The content will be free to store and use, it will be available through free and fast P2P shared traffic and the intelligent property content will be sold using blockchain technology.


Creating an FFL will provide the benefits of P2P networks and eliminate disadvantages:

• E nable Internet users to access useful free and paid content in an easy and legal way
• Reward authors for their work
• E nable community members to receive remuneration for doing useful work to store digital heritage for the sake of current and future Internet users

This will be secured through creating a working business model, and a platform that will work by supporting its community who will receive rewards for their work. The blockchain will provide copyright protection.

Solution platform implements hybrid semi-decentralized fog computing network of web browsers and features in order to provide both high download and upload speed s, as well as safety and fail -safes against file loss. Using both centralized servers and decentralized P2P network nodes ensures that the files will be accessible even if the server goes down or the file has no seeders.

The main actions that can be done in the FFL system by users are adding , searching , using, sorting, selling content and claiming copyright, as well investing their resources in the P2P network .

How it Works .jpg

Content Search and Use

Users can use the FFL platform via any modern internet browser and they will become instant fog edge nodes. They can search for files by entering keywords or other advanced search parameters, as well as by browsing categories. Users can select the files they are interested in and open a file’s web -view where they can use the file online, i.e., view, listen, read, depending on content type, download, read descriptions, comments and other metadata, as well as see related content suggestions. If a file is listed as paid content the user can buy it and do previously mentioned actions afterwards.

Accumulation of Content

Users will be able upload file s to FFL platform . Before publishing files on the Library, other community members (editors) will be able to vote whether the content is useful and acceptable . FFL or community will perform other content control: security checks, e.g., antivirus and illegal content scanning with human and AI tools. I f the file doesn’t pass the control, it is immediately removed and th e user is punished with FFM t oken penalty withdrawal or is banned from the FFL system, if the offence is repeated multiple times . C opyright scanning is performed as well.
Afterwards FFL performs content indexing: metadata reading and content recognition wi th AI tools. T he indexed data is saved in the FFL ’s file indexing database for later use in the content search. When the file is scanned and indexed FFL routes and sends the f ile to the P2P network’s desktop clients for storing and later serving it to other users. T he f ile is also saved on the main storage network for seed and backup purposes.
Before or a fter file upload user can choose to a dd the file’s meta information for content sorting or add pr ice to the file if it is intended for selling.

Content Sorting

Users can participate in FFL content sorting. FFL will provide content sorting section in the web -page where files that need additional manual work for sorting will be listed. User s can perform sorting by adding metadata, i.e., description, keywords, tags , marking content as especially valuable or reporting it as illegal or copyrighted, adding links to other related content.

FFL evaluates the user ’s entered data. First FFL saves the user’s entered data in the file indexing database as pending data. FFL waits when other users enter data and compare their congruence. If data is congruent, the user is rewarded with FFM tokens. I f not – the data is removed. If the system detects that a user is constantly entering incongruent data the user is punished with FFM t oken penalty withdrawal or is banned from the FFL system. When consensus of the content sorting is detected the data is saved in the FFL ’s fi le indexing database for later use in the content search.

Copyright Claiming and File Selling

When FFL detects copyrighted content the access to th at file is blocked. The file is moved to the unassigned author copyrighted content section where authors can claim and prove their ownership. Authors can add price to the file or request removal of the file. If the file is added to the file selling and another user buys it the owner gets the profit in FFM t okens.

Resource Investing in P2P Network

Users can participate in the FFL platform ’s technical upkeep by investing their computer’s free storage and network bandwidth in FFL P2P Network . There will be at least two types of nodes – web clients and desktop supernodes. Web clients will not need any advance preparation , they can just use web interface.
To become a supernode, users will have to download and install P2P storage client desktop application that has similar functionality to Direct Connect clients. The application has to run o n the user’s computer as continuous as possible.

Content Embedding

Additionally to base functionality FFL platform will have special features and services. For example, w e will develop various options for content embedding.
The content will be easily embeddable in any website by copying embed code. That way users will not have to store the files on their own servers but will be able to use FFL ’s P2P storage and network to save their resources and to improve their website’s pe rformance.

Token Utility and Application in the Ecosystem uses freemium business model – offering both free and paid services. T he base of the service will be available free of charge, while special premium features and services are available for charge. Business model relies on advertisement revenue, PRO paid accounts and users monetizing their copyrighted files. service users will use FFL ’s native cryptocurrency – FFM t okens — for value exchange in the FFL system. FFL will also use the t okens for initial crowdsale and fund raising – ICO campaign, to support the Library, platform and community development.

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1. To enable and implement community reward system
2. To enable small micro payments in the system (under 1$)
3. To reduce payment’s settlement commission fee (versus credit card 3% + 0.30)
4. To enable free trade of the tokens on the crypto exchange without in the middle
5. To be transparent about token transactions, model and payments to authors

The Library Token

The Library Token.jpg

Use of Proceeds

Use of Proceeds.jpg

Token Allocation

Token Allocation.jpg







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